Once focused on Craftsman style, granite countertops, and textured walls, today we are seeing our custom home clients move more towards a cleaner and simpler aesthetic.
We all remember it. Ten years ago seems to have come and gone in the blink of an eye and it feels like it’s been “one sleep” since 2001, but the reality of it is that time moves forward and “popular” is just as it has always been. Once loved and relevant by most is now replaced by newer, cooler, and more aesthetically pleasing. The overdone McMansions have been replaced by functional, simpler, dare-we-say more “modern” homes. Instead of seeing the constant of dark wood, bold wall colors, and Tuscan kitchens we are moving more towards interior metals, larger exterior spaces, and lighter colors overall.

In the late 2010s, we are celebrating the metals. All of them! We are mixing them, we are designing staircases around them, we are replacing wood with them, the list goes on. We LOVE metal and it turns out, our clients do too. Metals are a great way to modernize the home and make it look cleaner, sleeker, and more current. We are seeing more clients ask for it in place of wooden pickets inside their homes (and out), we are seeing it replace wider and more traditional wood around the glazing on French Doors, and due to the popularity of the modern farmhouse we are seeing A LOT of steel windows.

noun; a covering or coating on a structure or material.
You’re welcome. It’s just a big word for wallpaper and faux paint or texture, as seen on this white washed brick fireplace. Be it paint, paper, or plaster, it is intended to make a wall (or surface) look like it is made of a different material than it actually is. Although some styles are a trend of the past, they have made their way back and are making their presence known. Clients are loving the ability to put their own individual stamp on their new custom home and we just happen to know of the best in town. Texture away!

Pools upon pools upon pools! Although (possibly) an exaggeration, it seems like EVERY client we built for in the last year had a pool on their plans. A couple of the most in-demand are “plunge pools” and “cocktail pools”.
A plunge pool is more shallow and compact than a traditional backyard pool but it also has a few different goals in mind, like aquatic exercise, physical therapy, and relaxation.
A cocktail pool is very similar to the plunge pool. The biggest difference between the two is that a cocktail pool tends to be a bit more shallow than the plunge, and typically the cocktail pool has a bench seat around the perimeter with the idea that guests will sit and enjoy a cocktail while relaxing and cooling off with friends. Either way, we like happy clients. If it’s a pool that they want, a pool they will get!

FINALLY, we have all realized that an overabundance of cabinet space in the kitchen maybe isn’t a necessity. There are lots of things we all possess that we don’t use every day. They need a home, and we don’t necessarily have to have a place in our everyday kitchens to store them. We want amazing pantries, full of shelving and storage, as seen in our Thom’s Creek River House. Specifically, a scullery or an “overflow kitchen” with secondary cabinetry and plumbing (beverage refrigerator, another sink, an extra dishwasher). Three cheers to bringing back a scullery!

We know, we know, this is probably a southern thing. That said, large porches like this one (seen on our recently built home at Wrightsville Beach) began years ago before the present-day comfort of central air conditioning. Big, sometimes screened in, the porch was a go-to for southerners. They did not stay inside and suffer miserably in the 100-degree humidity but instead enjoyed wide open porches and southern breezes as a way to cool off. Fast forward, those large porches are coming back! Yes, we have the luxury of HVAC, most of which we can adjust from an app on our phone, but we still love a great evening outside on the porch. Although most clients and designers believe that 10 foot porches are comfortable and deep, both agree that 11 and 12 foot porches add more livability, more room to sit within and enjoy the view, and that they add an element of ease and comfort while entertaining.
No matter what is trending in custom homes or how high on the popularity chart your countertop selection is, just make sure that YOU do YOU. Probably check with Chrissy first. And consult Jessica at Ferguson. Maybe ask Jarvis or Dave. Bottom line, trends change and so do you so most importantly, love where you live!
LEED Professional or PBC Green Building Superman?
/in Informational /by Sonya HenryICYMI and are as conscientious about saving the environment as we are, you’ll be glad to know that PBC Design + Build’s own Dan Spann AKA Director of Construction, is not only the master of a good LOL, but he is also a LEED AP. Yep, PBC has a professional on staff with a very specific area of expertise, who is certified by the U.S. Green Building Council. Have you figured out what the acronym that follows Dan’s signature stands for yet? Take your time, we’ll BRB…
While you’re thinking about it, let’s get back to that environmentally-conscious trait that we all possess inside of us somewhere. Do you ever find yourself thinking about this great big, precious world and how you can preserve the future of it? Are you building your own custom home, or hoping to one day, and wondering how you can do-so while not contributing as much to the planet’s daily waste, pollution, or overuse of energy? We share your concern and know that it can seem completely overwhelming. You don’t know where to begin, or how to find the time to research, or you are wondering how in the world you could budget for huge expensive solar equipment? Not to worry, help is on the way! Remodeling, redecorating, AND building new construction can ALL be eco-friendlier processes just by making a few simple changes… from re-purposing an old piece of furniture to installing a tankless water heater, you can do it!
I bet you’re wondering how any of this is related to that curious signature at the end of every email from Daniel Spann, LEED AP? You should know that Dan is neither a member of the Associated Press nor our Accounts Payable professional. Instead that fancy label after his name means that Dan is super knowledgeable about GREEN BUILDING. After studying sustainable construction and development at App State and starting his career in such, he took some extra classes, studied hard, and passed the exam given by the U.S. Green Building Council. LEED AP stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional. Mr. Spann isn’t only our Director of Construction here at PBC but also your go-to for all things eco-building-friendly! And quite frankly if we ever find a spare five minutes, he’ll be getting that custom-made green cape that we all know he deserves.
Trending Now: Top 5 Popular Designs PBC Clients Are Asking For
/in Informational /by Sonya HenryOnce focused on Craftsman style, granite countertops, and textured walls, today we are seeing our custom home clients move more towards a cleaner and simpler aesthetic.
We all remember it. Ten years ago seems to have come and gone in the blink of an eye and it feels like it’s been “one sleep” since 2001, but the reality of it is that time moves forward and “popular” is just as it has always been. Once loved and relevant by most is now replaced by newer, cooler, and more aesthetically pleasing. The overdone McMansions have been replaced by functional, simpler, dare-we-say more “modern” homes. Instead of seeing the constant of dark wood, bold wall colors, and Tuscan kitchens we are moving more towards interior metals, larger exterior spaces, and lighter colors overall.
In the late 2010s, we are celebrating the metals. All of them! We are mixing them, we are designing staircases around them, we are replacing wood with them, the list goes on. We LOVE metal and it turns out, our clients do too. Metals are a great way to modernize the home and make it look cleaner, sleeker, and more current. We are seeing more clients ask for it in place of wooden pickets inside their homes (and out), we are seeing it replace wider and more traditional wood around the glazing on French Doors, and due to the popularity of the modern farmhouse we are seeing A LOT of steel windows.
noun; a covering or coating on a structure or material.
You’re welcome. It’s just a big word for wallpaper and faux paint or texture, as seen on this white washed brick fireplace. Be it paint, paper, or plaster, it is intended to make a wall (or surface) look like it is made of a different material than it actually is. Although some styles are a trend of the past, they have made their way back and are making their presence known. Clients are loving the ability to put their own individual stamp on their new custom home and we just happen to know of the best in town. Texture away!
Pools upon pools upon pools! Although (possibly) an exaggeration, it seems like EVERY client we built for in the last year had a pool on their plans. A couple of the most in-demand are “plunge pools” and “cocktail pools”.
A plunge pool is more shallow and compact than a traditional backyard pool but it also has a few different goals in mind, like aquatic exercise, physical therapy, and relaxation.
A cocktail pool is very similar to the plunge pool. The biggest difference between the two is that a cocktail pool tends to be a bit more shallow than the plunge, and typically the cocktail pool has a bench seat around the perimeter with the idea that guests will sit and enjoy a cocktail while relaxing and cooling off with friends. Either way, we like happy clients. If it’s a pool that they want, a pool they will get!
FINALLY, we have all realized that an overabundance of cabinet space in the kitchen maybe isn’t a necessity. There are lots of things we all possess that we don’t use every day. They need a home, and we don’t necessarily have to have a place in our everyday kitchens to store them. We want amazing pantries, full of shelving and storage, as seen in our Thom’s Creek River House. Specifically, a scullery or an “overflow kitchen” with secondary cabinetry and plumbing (beverage refrigerator, another sink, an extra dishwasher). Three cheers to bringing back a scullery!
We know, we know, this is probably a southern thing. That said, large porches like this one (seen on our recently built home at Wrightsville Beach) began years ago before the present-day comfort of central air conditioning. Big, sometimes screened in, the porch was a go-to for southerners. They did not stay inside and suffer miserably in the 100-degree humidity but instead enjoyed wide open porches and southern breezes as a way to cool off. Fast forward, those large porches are coming back! Yes, we have the luxury of HVAC, most of which we can adjust from an app on our phone, but we still love a great evening outside on the porch. Although most clients and designers believe that 10 foot porches are comfortable and deep, both agree that 11 and 12 foot porches add more livability, more room to sit within and enjoy the view, and that they add an element of ease and comfort while entertaining.
No matter what is trending in custom homes or how high on the popularity chart your countertop selection is, just make sure that YOU do YOU. Probably check with Chrissy first. And consult Jessica at Ferguson. Maybe ask Jarvis or Dave. Bottom line, trends change and so do you so most importantly, love where you live!
PBC Design + Build (+ Balance)
/in Informational /by Sonya HenryWe all know that new construction isn’t exactly experiencing a lull. And if you live in Southeastern North Carolina, you’ve seen first-hand how “hot” the market continues to be (insert simultaneous knocks-on-wood). Real Estate teams are growing, General Contractors are creating back-logs, and you can’t seem to drive more than a few miles without seeing commercial development.
PBC Design + Build has seen both sides of this economy over the last 21 + years and business partners Dave Spetrino and Kyle Henry have weathered the storm. They have proven in the meantime, that a great partnership shouldn’t solely be based on intelligence, trust, and a shared vision. Suffice it to say, through the trials and tribulations of running a business they always seem to be able to laugh (eventually) and to be friends (mostly) all while building beautiful custom homes for wonderful, fun clients. Keep reading, secret divulging to commence…
Clearly there are a lot of factors that go into a great partnership. All the obvious qualities like vision, motivation, and common work ethic are important but it is no secret that a great sense of humor and good taste in music can go a long way. Let’s not forget about differences though, because those can be a huge strength in that solid foundation (no pun intended…get it? Foundation? Moving on…) We could go on and on about the generic qualities that successful business partners have in common (or don’t) but instead we give to you a small window into the minds of one of our favorite twosomes…
DAVE VS. KYLE: A quick-answer quiz to the MOST important questions
Birth order?
DS: First
KH: Middle
Middle name?
DS: Arthur
KH: Jeremy
Favorite year of high school?
DS: Either Junior or Senior I suppose.
KH: Senior year. I finally figured out the system. Little work and a lot of play…
Toddlers or teenagers?
DS: I hate them all.
KH: Toddlers. They can’t talk yet.
First job?
DS: Washington Post paperboy. Age 11.
KH: Giovanni’s (Italian Restaurant in Hickory, NC) bus boy. Age 14.
Sal, Murr, Q, or Joe?
DS: I don’t know these people. I know a guy named Sal, he’s a cool guy.
KH: Murr
Go-to drink at a bar?
DS: Diet Coke with ice or a Moscow Mule (but only if it’s in that fancy copper mug)
KH: Pellegrino
Favorite song. EVER.
DS: “Night and Day” Al B. Sure!
KH: “Love is a Rose” Neil Young
I’d absolutely ruin my diet for…
DS: Peppermint milkshake with hot fudge at the bottom of the cup from Baskin
Last time you cried?
DS: Either when they froze Han Solo in “The Empire Strikes Back” or when I thought
E.T. was going to die.
KH: Friday
Cinema, theatre, or live music?
DS: Cinema
KH: Live Music
Charleston or Savannah?
DS: Savannah
KH: Charleston
Favorite EVER custom home detail?
DS: I’m a sucker for great light fixtures and I love seeing brick work on interior walls.
KH: I love modern architecture. We have several recent modern homes. I appreciate the designs of all of them.
Best quality about Kyle?
DS: Crazy smart.
Best quality about Dave?
KH: He is “in it” for all the right reasons. He never quits.
It looks like Paula Abdul said it best in ’88, clearly opposites do attract. As a senior in high school, Dave was entering his seventh year in the workforce and Kyle was signing up for his seventh semester of shop class. From two different locations, completely different family dynamics, and opposite academic paths these two have managed to create a lasting and functional business partnership, some pretty nice custom homes, and a dang cool place to work.
In conclusion, a common work ethic and (mostly) questionable sense of humor can really take you places! Cheers to PBC’s “perfect match.”
PBC, Mentesana Family Recognized by Historic Wilmington Foundation
/0 Comments/in Informational, News /by Sonya HenryPBC Design + Build along with two of our favorite repeat clients, Sal and Beth Mentesana, were invited by Historic Wilmington Foundation last month to be recognized at their annual Preservation Awards Ceremony. At a reception in St. James Parish Hall, The Mentesana’s downtown Fifth Avenue home was identified by this year’s awards committee members as being one that “beautifully fit” with the surrounding area in the category of Appropriate New Construction.
When Sal and Beth first moved to the area from Pennsylvania, they started out in Brunswick Forest. They chose the community for the golf course and atmosphere, and they chose their builder (ahem) for several other reasons (including Dave’s “part-visionary and part-sanity checker” qualities). Although they liked their neighborhood, The Mentesanas found themselves living their lives in downtown Wilmington and enjoying Wrightsville Beach. Beth spends time volunteering at the Bellamy Mansion and loves introducing art to fifth graders at the Cameron Art Museum, so downtown is where they knew they wanted to be, as Beth says “it is diverse, eclectic, and alive!”
Lot purchase, consult, design, and construction were completed by the end of October, 2018 and The Mentesanas moved into their downtown dream home. Fitting everything they wanted onto a narrow downtown lot was challenging but doable, and fitting in with the area was definitely a priority. Among the elements that they love most about their new home are it’s setting; their lot sits next to Bicentennial Park and is nestled beneath beautiful old trees. They absolutely love the Italianate style of their home, the many windows, and it’s “shotgun” design- 22 feet wide by 100 feet deep. Sal and Beth continue to receive compliments on the beauty of their home and friends can’t believe that PBC was able to build in such a narrow space AND include a driveway with a two-car detached garage!
As The Mentesanas continue to enjoy their new custom home, they say that the ultimate compliment is receiving this award. As their design + build team, we must say that we agree!
Who’s Up For a Parade?
/0 Comments/in Informational /by Sonya HenryJust as the weather warms up, the flowers are in full bloom, and the beaches begin to crowd, #teamPBC finds themselves in the annual Parade of Homes deadline crunch. Put on by the Cape Fear Home Builders Association, in conjunction with a bunch of great local sponsors, is our own Wilmington new-home beauty pageant. This year, PBC Design + Build is proud to have entered FIVE of our current projects as part of the over SEVENTY beautiful new construction properties that are competing in the 2019 Parade of Homes.
The Wilmington Parade of Homes takes place April 27 + 28 and May 4 + 5, from 12 to 5 o’clock PM. This year, our properties are located from Wrightsville Beach to Brunswick County. They will each have an awesome, knowledgeable, and helpful PBC team member on site to show the property, answer any questions and even provide paint color information!
Join us…
Amongst our competition are some other beautiful homes on the tour, find the full list at wilmingtonparadeofhomes.com. We hope you’ll spend the next couple of weekends experiencing the wonderful end-products of a team full of passion, work ethic, and loyalty.
Relax, take it all in, and enjoy every detail!
(especially ours!)
It’s Tri-Time at Riverlights!
/0 Comments/in Informational, News /by Sonya HenryWhat do we like more than a cold beer at the end of a busy week here at PBC and RiverView Townes? A cold beer at the end of a race, of course! And if that race is a triathlon, in none other than RiverLights, we’ll take three! Swim, bike, run…yes?! Get ready for the Cape Fear 16!
PBC Design + Build is partnering with RiverLights Marina Village, in conjunction with SetUp Events to provide a fun and fairly unique race in a beautiful community. Sunday, April 14th is the day to compete in our Cape Fear 16 Triathlon in RiverLights. Catering to everyone from the avid triathlete to the amateur runner, we like to think this race accommodates anyone that wants to burn a few calories, check out a gorgeous neighborhood and socialize with some great people, all while enjoying the beautiful views along the Cape Fear River.
This specific triathlon will consist of a 1K swim, 20K bike, and 5K run. There will be three different race options, all centered around the traditional triathlon events. Participants can choose between racing in all three events (relay teams included), two of their choice, or decide to do just one. Unlike a traditional triathlon, there will be no “transitions” as each event will have a thirty to forty-five-minute rest between segments…perfect for catching your breath, perusing the neighborhood, or maybe grabbing a quick nap! For a complete breakdown of competition and award details, check out the official race page.
If you’ve been wondering how to get motivated and back in shape before summer, we’ve got YOU! Sign up for the race NOW, pick up your packet THE DAY BEFORE at RiverView Townes (free pre-race high fives from Casey), and join us for a sunny SUNDAY in April. See you there!
Best of Houzz, Design + Service
/0 Comments/in News /by Kathy SpetrinoPBC Awarded Best Of Houzz 2019
Awarded by Community of Over 40 Million Monthly Users, Annual BOH Badge Highlights Home Remodeling & Design Professionals with Top Ratings and Most Popular Home Designs
Wilmington, NC, January 25, 2019 – PBC Design + Build of Wilmington, North Carolina has won “Best Of Design” and “Best of Customer Service” on Houzz®, the leading platform for home renovation and design. The award-winning firm, specializing in custom homes throughout the Wilmington region for the past 21 years, was chosen by the more than 40 million monthly unique users that comprise the Houzz community from among more than 2.1 million active home building, remodeling and design industry professionals.
The Best Of Houzz badge is awarded annually, in three categories: Design, Customer Service and Photography. Design awards honor professionals whose work was the most popular among the Houzz community. Customer Service honors are based on several factors, including a pro’s overall rating on Houzz and client reviews submitted in 2018. Architecture and interior design photographers whose images were most popular are recognized with the Photography award.
A “Best Of Houzz 2019” badge will appear on winners’ profiles as a sign of their commitment to excellence. These badges help homeowners identify popular and top-rated home professionals in every metro area on Houzz.
“Houzz connects the dots for us by giving the client a visual opportunity to collect ideas from our previous projects” said Kyle Henry, CEO of PBC. “Our collaboration with Houzz TV and Tony Hawk afforded us the ability to show that we work extremely hard to earn our accolades.”
“Best of Houzz is a true badge of honor as it is awarded by our community of homeowners, those who are hiring design, remodeling and other home improvement professionals for their projects,” said Liza Hausman, vice president of Industry Marketing for Houzz. “We are excited to celebrate the 2019 winners chosen by our community as their favorites for home design and customer experience, and to highlight those winners on the Houzz website and app.”
Follow PBC Design + Build on Houzz
About PBC Design + Build
PBC Design + Build is an award winning full service firm specializing in custom homes throughout the Wilmington regional area. Celebrating 21 years in business, PBC is a group of highly qualified individuals with wide-ranging talents, relevant expertise and a steadfast commitment to customer satisfaction. For more information, visit our website at www.pbcdesignbuild.com or email: [email protected]
About Houzz
Houzz is the leading platform for home remodeling and design, providing people with everything they need to improve their homes from start to finish – online or from a mobile device. From decorating a small room to building a custom home and everything in between, Houzz connects millions of homeowners, home design enthusiasts and home improvement professionals across the country and around the world. With the largest residential design database in the world and a vibrant community empowered by technology, Houzz is the easiest way for people to find inspiration, get advice, buy products and hire the professionals they need to help turn their ideas into reality. Headquartered in Palo Alto, Calif., Houzz also has international offices in London, Berlin, Sydney, Moscow, Tel Aviv and Tokyo. Houzz is a registered trademark of Houzz Inc. worldwide. For more information, visit houzz.com.
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Kids Making It, Timber Framing Goes Up
/0 Comments/in Informational /by Sonya HenryWe here at PBC love a great project, especially when it involves one of our favorite local non-profit organizations. Kids Making It is a youth woodworking program that teaches valuable vocational, entrepreneurial and life skills to at-risk, low income, and disadvantaged kids. At KMI they strive to keep local kids in school, out of trouble, and on a path to a successful future. It is an amazing organization that is all heart, and one that we are proud to have been involved with for several years. Now, on to the project…
When Jimmy Pierce, founder and executive director of KMI, came to PBC with a specific need (more space) and general idea of what he wanted we knew that we had to be a part of it. As with all of our projects, the addition to the current Kids Making It building started as a design-build consultation. We called upon our friend and amazing architect Rob Romero to sit down with us, along with Jimmy and KMI program director, Andy Crowther to discuss the possibilities. The specific focus was on creating a space that KMI could use as they continued to grow their organization. Jimmy and Andy wanted a place where they could train the students in new trades and take the wood-working that they had already learned a step further. They needed open and they needed BIG. That’s where the timber framing came in.
Timber framing is a style of building construction that uses heavy timber frames as opposed to more slender lumber. It is post and beam construction, built like furniture using wood joinery to hold the framing in place. This type of construction has been around for hundreds of years but isn’t used as commonly as it once was due to the high cost of materials and specialized tradespeople that it requires. That’s where Atlantic Barn and Timber Company came in, they heard about the need and answered the call. Very graciously, they offered to erect the timber framing for free. And just like that the materials and equipment arrived, the frames were assembled, stood up, and secured in place…all on that little corner of 7thand Castle Street.
As construction moves along at KMI, we look forward to all of the other great aspects that Romero has worked into the floor plan- a storefront, concrete stem walls, upper decks, and even a garage bay. At 2,257 square feet, the first floor will be the home to the new storefront, a large (class)room, and a storage bay for donated materials. The second floor of the addition will measure 1,982 square feet and offer an open space, offices, a full bathroom, conference room, and aforementioned decks overlooking the front and the rear of the building.
PBC Design + Build is beyond proud to be a part of such a wonderful project, and we consider ourselves very fortunate to be able to aid in KMI’s mission. WE CAN’T WAIT to see the finished product and perhaps even more so, all of the smiling faces that come as a result!
David Spetrino, Building Insights in the Greater Wilmington Business Journal
/0 Comments/in Articles, Informational /by Sonya HenryWhat better way to end one great year and ring in the next than with a Q & A from the founder of PBC, the face of our company, the most recent former president of the Wilmington-Cape Fear Home Builder’s Association… our own Dave Spetrino!
Dave recently spent time answering some questions for the Greater Wilmington Business Journal. Find out why not knowing everything, and admitting it, is an important part of custom home building.
Designer Stud-Signing
/0 Comments/in Informational /by Sonya HenryWhat does Team PBC like even better than a party or a stud-signing? A stud-signing party for one of our very own, obviously! We recently came together, along with their family and friends, to celebrate and initiate the construction of Rick and Chrissy Bonney’s new custom home. During an afternoon of loved ones, laughs, and the obligatory coastal oysters, we took to the studs of our favorite interior designer’s new home to write our well wishes and to learn just what inspired this latest and greatest new space.
Having lived in downtown Wilmington for twenty years, it didn’t take much for Rick and Chrissy to decide that is where they’d like to stay. They settled on a quaint, tucked away lot on the north side. Loving the location, unique energy, and history, The Bonneys look forward to watching the neighborhood continue to grow.
As the exciting process of design began, Chrissy called upon her favorite style, Mid-century Modern. Rick and Chrissy had a lot of fun planning the details of the elevations as they came up with the exterior design of their new home… historic bungalow with a touch of modern infusion.
As Chrissy tackled the inside of the house, she wanted to make sure they utilized every inch of the home to it’s fullest potential as she created a space that was easy to entertain in. She took a handful of PBC’s custom downtown homes from throughout the years, pulled her favorite details, and started playing with those. As construction moves forward and they really start to see everything come together, both of The Bonneys anticipate what exactly they look forward to most. Rick cannot wait to have a large cook’s kitchen with a gas top range and Chrissy is most excited about the smaller details she has put into their new space like rustic wood accents and black and gold fixtures throughout.
Putting our own marks on a beautiful new custom home was a super fun experience but I think we can all agree, PBC can’t wait to see Chrissy’s “marks” on the final product. She definitely said it best when she told us “It already feels like home and I love that!” Here’s to many more memories, in a beautiful new space, surrounded by friends and family.