2020, A Quick Year in Review by Sonya Henry
2020 started off fairly normal, #teamPBC competed in the Southern Tour Ultra trail race, took some family vacations, actually used the conference room, went to the movies, looked forward to the annual company trip to Charleston, got haircuts from licensed professionals, met with clients in person, had date-nights out on the town, and then…COVID. In late March, the world nearly stopped and North Carolina entered a statewide lockdown. We were fortunate enough to be considered an essential business as we followed stringent guidelines and adjusted protocol for the safety and well-being of everyone. The pandemic has changed many things for many people, but we remain grateful for our resilient team, wonderful clients, and the ability to “keep on keepin’ on”.
In 2020:
#teamPBC completed 48 new homes AND 11 custom birdhouzzes. Finished and sold out our Indie Ice project, welcoming 20 new families to downtown. Jarvis made a sanitizer necklace, patent is pending. #nextgenerationPBC spent most of their time getting the best education of their lives… #homeschool
. Their new hobby developments include baking, microwave installation, jobsite clean-up, online shopping, learning to fly, and papier-mâché. We welcomed new #happyhomeowers to 426 Causeway and in turn, had the busiest year to date for PBC new construction at Wrightsville Beach. Almost lost Craig to a shop-vac incident. Bought Pearsall Memorial Presbyterian Church and began renovation of the fellowship hall to home our new office. Dave went from 3 shots of espresso to 2 shots in his morning mocha latte AND nearly cut his thumb off, still unsure if the two are related. Finished The Pearls apartment buildings but not before turning it into quite the “family project”. Kyle spent another year nearly driving Tim Frank into his second retirement. We added new team members. Kyle began Dave’s own tool collection so that he wouldn’t have to keep stealing Kathy’s. Successfully rezoned 3 out of 4 of our future projects. Kyle claims that Dave continues to baffle even himself with his own shenanigans. Finished the Kids Making It renovation, love watching them THRIVE in their brand-new space. Re-homed a Beaver from our Switchyard site, a real party animal that was trashing the place. Angela put together wellness bags for all, including a roll of TP and some PBC #freakersocks. We did not take the team to Charleston. No one (ahem, Dave) went to Omaha for the annual Berkshire Hathaway Meeting. We’ve heard zero live music. We skipped our annual holiday party. Daniel had a pet caterpillar for the majority of the year. New hobbies developed, colleges were applied to, essential oils were ordered, trips were cancelled, kids were brought to work, birthdays were weird, we grew facial hair, hosted our first FB Live event, got new #PBCswag, gave quarantine haircuts, ordered more things online than we thought was possible, AND had our very own dumpster fire!

Grateful to be here. Looking forward to a new year. And can’t wait to see what 2021 holds for all of you.
Dumpster fire belongs to John Jarvis. PBC does not sponsor or endorse leaving a dumpster in your driveway near your house and placing anything remotely flammable inside.
Luckily, the fire was immediately extinguished by the heroes at the Wrightsville Beach Fire Department and some quick thinking neighbors.
Jarvis got a new window and some siding. His dumpster privileges have been revoked.